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Ready to Welcome you Back

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Ready to Welcome you Back – 29/04/2021

Following the NI Executive relaxation of Lockdown for non-essential retailers at the end of the month, Buttercrane Centre welcomes the phased reopening of Centre retailers from 30th April, Peter Murray, Buttercrane Centre Manager said this week.

 “Stores are responding as quickly as possible to the new date and there is lots of work going on behind the scenes to bring staff back in store for training following furlough, deep cleaning and bringing in new displays and stock ready for reopening.

 “We would anticipate that from Friday 30th April the majority of traders in Buttercrane will be open for business but the situation is still quite fluid and we will update our social channels with full lists as soon as we have that information.”

 “The centre’s large anchor tenants Primark, Dunnes Stores and Sports Direct/USC are all set to reopen on Friday 30th April.  They are preparing hundreds of staff to return to work safely, many of whom for the first time since December 24th.

“The Centre will continue to adhere to our stringent hygiene and safety protocols, and we appreciate customer patience and cooperation so as to ensure a safe and welcoming shopping environment for everyone.  It is likely new there will be at least some element of delays and queues especially at the more popular stores. Stores will continue to limit numbers of shoppers in store and we would again ask for customer understanding and cooperation in this regard. We greatly look forward to welcoming you back to Buttercrane, here in the heart of Newry City.”


Buttercrane are extending their opening hours for the initial reopening period, to enable a safer shopping experience and spread footfall.

Friday 30th April    8am – 9pm

Saturday 1st May   8am – 7pm

Sunday 2nd May    10am – 6pm

Monday 3rd May   8am - 5.30pm

Tuesday 4th May   8am – 5.30pm

Wednesday 5th May 8am – 9pm

Thursday 6th May 8am – 9pm

Friday 7th May  8am – 9pm

Saturday 8th May 8am – 6pm

Sunday 9th May 10am – 6pm





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